Bouquet Of Eyes, 1930, Hannah Hoch

A bunch of eyes

A bunch of eyes


Title: Bouquet Of Eyes
Artist: Hannah Höch
Style: Collage

This is a collage image from Hannah Höch, which is a Dadaist from Gotha, Germany. This collage was collected in Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg.
The movement
Dada was an art movement in early 20th century formed by the avant-garde European. Dada was born out of and against the horrors of World War I. It is a rejection of reason and logic, presenting arts in a liberal and intuitive technique. Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray and Guillaume Apollinaire are the most famous Dadaists.
Visual analysis
In this collage, we can see lots of eyes growing on a bunch of flowers; the bunch of flowers is the main subject of the whole collage. The background is orange which is a warm colour giving a kind of relaxing mood, however, the eyes keep staring at the viewer destroying any sense of ease. The eyes in the bunch are focused in various directions, so the viewer can not avoid an eye contact with them when looking at picture. This picture also encourages the viewer to correlate each pair of eye. Object and subject in this picture are difficult to differentiate; some of eye only have eye ball, some are shown the outline of the eye; which engages dealing fairly with sexism- equal through the eye.